Figma UI and UX Project Starter

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You're about to begin a new UI and UX design project, but you're not sure how to start. I get it. I have that too. That's why I created this Figma Project Starter.

Boost your productivity using this UI and UX design project starter 🚀

I've been in UX for over 8 years now and this is the project starter that I use for all my projects. Here's what it includes.

1️⃣ Responsive design formats - Frames for mobile, tablet, desktop, and dashboard.

2️⃣ Gutters, margins, and columns for all formats.

3️⃣ Typography and colors.

✏️ How to use the project starter

In the Figma file, you'll find frames, colors, and text styles. These are ready to use. Just copy them within the file and change the colors to suit your project. You're ready to go!

🤖 Future updates included

I'm planning on adding more features to this project starter. If you purchase this project starter, you'll get access to all future updates. Forever.

This product is not currently for sale.
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Figma UI and UX Project Starter

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